Pier of Mission Bridge - water is 10" below high
Floods 1894 Mission City B.C.
Floods 1894 Mission City B.C.
Looking East from Hatzic
A Cedar Tree Stump, Mission City, B.C.
Cedar Valley Mission City, B.C.
Ice Storm on Grand Street
Ice Storm hits Plumridge Store and Post Office
Swans Point Hatzic BC.
A herd of Jersey milk cows from the Dewdney area are herded towards Mission through water at Hatzic.
Construction boat. Looking East from Mission- Matsqui Bridge
Looking East from Hatzic toward Dewdney
Raising Span of Mission-Matsqui Bridge
A berry field on Mission City Flats
Water marker at Mission City Bridge
Mac's Cabins with Auction barn in the background (the flats), Mission, BC
Looking towards Matsqui - From Mission- Matsqui Bridge
Floodwaters on Mission Flats or Matsqui
View looking South from Westminster Abbey, Hatzic, BC
Looking South from Westminster Abbey
Raising span of Mission-Matsqui Bridge
Low water mark April 17th, 1948 - Mission City Bridge
Horne Ave. 1st day water broke through - May 27th 1948 Mission City
Horne Ave. Mission City - June 3rd 1948
A view on Mission City Flats June 3rd 1948
High water mark June 6th, 1948 Mission City Bridge
Looking towards Matsqui - From Mission- Matsqui Br. June 7th, 1948
Matsqui end of the Mission- Matsqui Bridge June 9- 1948
Harbour St. Mission City - June 9th 1948
Rear of Copeland Motors June 13th, 1948 Mission City