- 0058
- Corporate body
- 1998-2016

Showing 107 results
Authority record- 0165
- Person
- 1916-2008
Born in Atchelitz, BC, Albert (Bert) Clifford (1916-2008) married in 1939 and after the war studied photography before moving to Mission in 1947 to start a business with his wife Madge. Within a year of establishing The Clifford Studio, the devastating flood waters of the Fraser River in 1948 seriously impacted the business. Being one of the few photographers in the community, however, Bert set out equipped with his camera to document the historic event, capturing the catastrophic destruction in Mission and adjacent communities. A number of his images were published in Nature’s Fury: The inside Story of the Disastrous BC Floods.
In the ensuing years, he was able to rebuild his business and in 1953 opened a new studio claimed to be the largest one in British Columbia at the time. Due to the post-war baby boom, photographing babies became a primary focus of the business along with bridal photography. Bert supplemented his income with press photography providing the majority of the images for the Fraser Valley Record newspaper between the 1947 and 1959 which documented day to day life in the community and events such as celebrations, funerals and weddings. After Clifford Studios closed down in 1966, Bert embarked on a new career in real estate, retiring in 1984.
- 0233
- Corporate body
- 1989-
Part of Mission School District #75, Albert McMahon Elementary School was officially opened on November 27, 1989. The school prides itself on its inclusive school culture, and has programs in place to meet the needs of all students. These programs include S.H.A.R.P (Safe, Helpful, Accountable and Respectful, and Positive), a behaviour support program, and SWAT (Students with an Aptitude for Teaching) where grade five and six students spend 15 minutes per day with their little reading buddies. Albert McMahon offers classes for Kindergarten to Grade six. The school offers a variety of extracurricular sports throughout the year, and conducts student vs. teacher matches in volleyball and basketball as a way to enhance the relationship between students and staff and help promote school spirit.
Barnett, Emma and Harry (family)
- 0172
- Family
- 1925-1959
Mr. Harry Barnett was born in England in 1883 and passed away in 1964, and his wife Emma Barnett (nee De Brader) was born in the Jersey Channel Islands in 1888 and passed away in 1979. After their marriage they made their home in England, where there first daughter Miriam was born in 1913.
In 1915, shortly after the Barnett's arrival in Vancouver, they had a second daughter, Ruth. The family moved to Mission in 1918, and took up residence at the foot of Mt. Mary Ann. Here their third daughter, Berna, was born in 1924.
The Barnetts were very involved in the Japanese community in Mission. Emma Barnett taught Mission's Japanese Canadian children in kindergarten for many years, and prior to thin, the Barnetts befriended a number of Japanese Canadian boys who sought them out for help with English. Many former students continued to correspond with the Barnetts after leaving Mission
The Barnetts were still leaving in Mission when Harry Barnett passed away in 1964. Emma continued to make her home in the old house beneath Mt. Mary Ann until she had lived out fifty years there. She then moved to Vancouver, where she died in 1979
In Mission, "Barnett Street" was named after them and runs northwest off of Knight Avenue, close to Mt. Mary Ann, where Emma and Harry made their home.
British Columbia Old Age Pensioners Organization - Mission Branch 28
- 0105
- Corporate body
- 0274
- Person
- 1956-
Harold Watson Brosseau Jr. (Bob) was born on April 4th, 1956 at Mission Memorial Hospital. He lived at the very west end of North Nicomen Road in Deroche BC until moving to Mission in 1973.
In September of 1962 Harold started attending Deroche School where he completed Grade 7. In the fall of 1969 he enrolled at Mission Senior Secondary School for grades 8 to12, graduating in June 1974.
- 0345
- Person
- 1946-
- 0064
- Person
- 1959-
Mary Bryant (1959- ), a native of Mission, was raised on a dairy farm in Hatzic. The second of three children, she became actively involved in 4-H at age 6 and raised Ayrshire dairy cows. At age 15, Mary was introduced to the idea of flying during Career Days at school and with the support of her family, she started her training. In 1977, prior to graduating from high school, she obtained a private pilot license and the following year, a commercial one. Mary joined the military in 1981 and became one of the ten women selected over a 3-year period for a new program to train pilots. Earning her wings in 1983, she became the second woman in Canada to fly helicopters. Over the next 9 years, her assignments included search and rescue operations in Ontario and British Columbia and a peacekeeping tour in the Sinai Desert, Egypt. She retired from the military in 1991 and flew the air ambulance in southern Alberta. In 1993 Mary moved back to B.C., returning to her roots and family farm, and began flying for Interfor helilogging. She retired from flying permanently in 1995 and pursued a career as a business manager and consultant until 1997 when her two daughters were born.
- 0234
- Corporate body
- 1923-1989
Part of Mission School District #75, Cedar Valley Elementary School was opened in 1923 in one of Ferndale Elementary’s previous buildings located on the corner of Cedar St. and Dewdney Trunk Rd. Cedar Valley Elementary School was closed in 1989, and the students and teachers moved to their new location at Albert McMahon. Cedar Valley School then became an alternative school. The school offered an Ecological Studies Program which focused around the environment and developed a partnership with the community, businesses, and government agencies. Students in this alternative program worked on the Silverdale Creek Estuary wetlands, and built a one kilometre trail and large concrete salmon sculpture there. This program also caught its members up on academics they missed out on. Cedar Valley School was closed following the conclusion of the 2006/2007 school year.
- 0235
- Corporate body
- 1977-
Part of Mission School District #75, Cherry Hill Elementary School opened in September 1977. The school expects its Kindergarten to Grade six students to be cooperative, responsible, and to always do the best they can, and to respect the rights of others. The school offers programs to enhance students’ learning and school experience such as Accelerated Reader, Learning Assistance, Ready-Set-Learn, and Peer Counseling. The school operates within the Mission Public School District. Cherry Hill Elementary has a diverse student population with a proud tradition of strong academics balanced with successful athletics and exposure to fine arts.
- 0036
- Corporate body
- 0237
- Corporate body
- 1995-
Part of Mission School District #75, the present day building of Deroche Elementary was constructed in 1995. However, the school was originally known as North Nicomen School and was opened in 1893 as a one-room schoolhouse, before crowded conditions led to the construction of a new building in 1916. Deroche Elementary strives to provide a safe and healthy environment where its Kindergarten to Grade six students are encouraged to believe in their abilities to learn so that they will become responsible, lifelong learners and develop the skills and attitudes needed to meet personal goals for a successful future. Approximately 80 percent of students are of Indigenous Heritage. Deroche Elementary offers Indigenous Cultural Programs which provides opportunities for students to participate in activities such as weaving and Metis jigging, and all students are given the opportunity to learn Halq’emeylem.
- 0239
- Corporate body
- 1911-
Part of Mission School District #75, Dewdney Elementary School’s current building was constructed in 1924, and enrolled students from Kindergarten to Grade twelve until 1948 when it officially became an elementary school. The school was originally known as Burton’s Prairie School, constructed in April 1882, with only one small classroom. In 1911 the school was rebuilt and renamed Dewdney School.
The school employs seven student-centered teachers who involve themselves in promoting high academic achievement and global citizenship. The approximately 75 students engage in CORE, Community Outdoor Recreation & Environment Education, which motivates the students to engage in their natural surroundings, local agricultural community, and broader ecological world through adventure and discovery-based curriculum.
- 0232
- Corporate body
- 1982-2011
Part of Mission School District #75, Durieu Elementary School was opened in 1982, and was built to replace the aging McConnell Creek and Hatzic Elementary Schools. Durieu Elementary switched to a traditional model in 2005 in an effort to increase enrollment. The school encouraged students to succeed to the best of their abilities in a safe and respectful learning environment. The traditional model at Durieu Elementary maintained a strict dress code and homework policy, along with competition through academic, effort and citizenship awards, and clearly defined standards of behaviour. The school was closed in 2011, with the student population merging with Hatzic Elementary.
Ecole Christine Morrison Elementary
- 0236
- Corporate body
- 1992-
Part of Mission School District #75, École Christine Morrison Elementary School was established in 1992. The school identifies as a community of learners who work together to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for students’ success in life. As a dual track school, École Christine Morrison Elementary offers both early French Immersion and regular English programs for its Kindergarten to Grade 6 students. Run by the Mission Public School District. The school uses the STAR (Safe, Trustworthy, Accountable, Respectful) matrix as a means to teach students appropriate behaviour. École Christine Morrison Elementary has a Student Leadership Program for its senior students as a way to learn responsibility and commitment, and as an opportunity to provide service to others.
- 0238
- Corporate body
- 1998-
Part of Mission School District #75, École des Deux-Rives was established in 1998. The building was Windebank’s first home before moving to its current location up the street. Respecting diversity, Deux-Rives promotes the development of independence, responsibility, competence and pride for French language and culture in its Kindergarten to Grade eight students. BRAVO (Bien- être, Respect, Autonomie, Vivre en français, Ouverture sur le monde) highlights the values of the school community, creating an “environment that contributes to the full development, and cultural identity of Francophone students.” École des Deux-Rives is operated under Conseil scolair francophone (French school board).
Ecole Heritage Park Middle School
- 0326
- Corporate body
- 2017-
The building that houses École Heritage Park Middle School was officially opened in October 1996, and operated as Heritage Park Secondary School until 2017 when it became a middle school. The school is operated under the Mission School District #75. The mission of École Heritage Park Middle School is to empower all learners to strive for success, and the school envisions an environment where everyone feels safe, included and valued as partners, where all learners are engaged, empowered and motivated, and where accomplishments are celebrated. École Heritage Park Middle School shares its location with the Clarke Theatre and a University of the Fraser Valley campus. The fine arts program uses the Clarke Theatre to showcase music, drama, and dance programs.
Ecole Mission Central Elementary
- 0248
- Corporate body
- 1911-
Part of Mission School District #75, École Mission Central Elementary’s present day building was opened in 1990. The original Mission Central School was built in sections between 1911 and 1913, and housed both primary and secondary students – this school was Mission’s first High School. Due to the construction of the Junior-Senior High School in 1952, Mission Central became an elementary school the same year and served as such until it was demolished in 1989. École Mission Central Elementary is dual track offering both an English program and French Immersion for its Kindergarten to Grade six students. The school has goals in literacy, numeracy, and social responsibility, and offers programs to achieve these goals such as Peer Counseling.
- 0249
- Corporate body
- 1923-
Part of Mission School District #75, The first high school built in Mission was opened on October 18, 1923. It was situated in "Education Heights" and had four rooms. The new facility on the site of the current École Mission Secondary was built in the 1950s, the Mission Junior High School, which housed both junior (Grades seven and eight) and senior (Grades nine through twelve) students. Following the opening of the Junior High School in 1959, the junior and senior students were split. This remained in effect until 1988 when they were again amalgamated to form Mission Senior Secondary. The building operated as a High School until September 2015 when it became Mission’s only Secondary School housing students from Grades ten through twelve.
École Mission Secondary promotes RRS: Respect, Responsibility, and Safety in an effort to encourage students to become well rounded citizens. The school offers AP classes, ranging from Art to European History, which can be taken by students to obtain college credits while still in high school.
- 0241
- Corporate body
- 1951-
Part of Mission School District #75, Edwin S. Richards Elementary School was opened in September 1951. The school’s current vision statement is to move its students to a place where creativity, collaboration, leadership, and thinking skills go hand in hand to provide active, positive, and effective learning experiences. In 2013, Edwin S. Richards was declared an arts based curriculum school of choice by Mission Public Schools’ Board of Education. The arts are integrated purposefully into the curriculum so students are able to demonstrate understanding and represent their learning in a variety of forms.
- 0242
- Corporate body
- 1968-2008
Part of Mission School District #75, Established in 1893, Ferndale was originally a one room schoolhouse. As the population grew the school was closed and relocated twice. The present school was built in 1968 and while the school closed briefly in 1985, it was re-opened due to community protest. Closing its doors in 2008, Ferndale hosted a celebration, remembering the many generations of families that attended the school. Ferndale believed that all students have the ability to learn, each is unique and has their own strengths, have different ways to learn at varying rates, and need to strive to reach their personal best. The school was a loved place with an atmosphere that ensured a quality education and wholesome social upbringing of the students.
- 0140
- Corporate body
- 0343
- Person
- 1930-
Louise Fowler (nee Constantine) was born in 1930 and was the 7th of 8 children. She lived in Silverdale from approximately 1942 to 1949 and she attended Mission Central High School. Louise moved to Mission in 1949.
Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival Society
- 0162
- Corporate body
- 1998-
Fraser Valley Marine Association
- 0158
- Corporate body
- 0025
- Corporate body
- 1908-1996
For all records pertaining to the "Fraser Valley Record" SEE under current name "Mission City Record."
The Fraser Valley Record was first published in 1908 in Mission City. The newspaper served the interests of Agassiz, Harrison, Harrison Mills, Hatzic, Mission City, Matsqui, Langley, Haney, Hammond, Coquitlam, Port Moody and the surrounding areas. The paper covered news of local, provincial and national importance. Under the new managing editor Lang Sands, the newspaper changed its focus in 1944 to Mission and immediately adjacent communities of Hatzic Island, Hatzic Prairie, Dewdney, Deroche, Nicomen Island, Lake Errock, and McConnell Creek.
In 1996, the newspaper was renamed The Mission City Record and became tabloid in size.
- 0243
- Corporate body
- 1980-2008
Part of Mission School District #75, Fraserview Elementary School opened temporarily in 1978, but was officially opened in March 1980. The mission of the school was to develop confident, responsible, literate students that possess a love of learning and skills necessary for a changing society. Although Fraserview Elementary was closed in 2008, the building is now used for Fraserview Learning Centre – an alternative secondary school with students from Grade seven to twelve.
Friends of Hatzic Rock Society
- 0033
- Corporate body
- 1991-1996
- 0112
- Corporate body
- 1975-
- 0178
- Person
- 1916-1972
James (Jimmy) Gunn was born in New Westminster. He worked for the Motor Vehicle Branch of the B.C. Provincial Police and was transferred to Mission City in 1945. Gunn was active in a variety of community service and sports groups and headed a project under the auspices of the local Rotary Club to construct the first public swimming pool in Mission. He is most noted for being the founder of the Mission City Soap Box Derby, an annual event which ran from 1947 to 1973.