C.P.R. Trains from Atlantic and Pacific at Mission City Junction for U.S / "Stop for Refreshments."
- MCA-0116-S01-SS725-010
- Item
- [ca. 1907]
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
C.P.R. Trains from Atlantic and Pacific at Mission City Junction for U.S / "Stop for Refreshments."
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
C.P.R. Station Mission City B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the boardwalk alongside the railway by Mission Junction station.
Klenk, Carl William
The Seattle train just pulling into Mission
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph is framed by two notes.
Klenk, Carl William
Mission City Junction. C.P.R to the United States.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the Mission Junction from a distance, set within an illustrated frame.
Klenk, Carl William
Mission City Junction. C.P.R to the United States.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Mission City Junction. C.P.R to the United States.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of railway passing through a rural area. A man sits on the edge of the platform at the Hatzic Depot, which is otherwise empty.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
The no. 25 train heading for Sumas.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of Mission Junction with crowds of people waiting on the platform.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of Mission Junction.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the Mission Junction taken from train tracks.
Klenk, Carl William
Station & Lunchroom, Mission Jct. B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the Mission Junction taken from train tracks.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the Mission Junction taken from train tracks.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of early excavation for the C.P.R. railway, near Nicomen Island.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the rock quarry created for construction of the C.P.R. railway.
Klenk, Carl William
Bellevue Hotel + C.P.R. Depot. Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the gardens next to Junction station. Two men are talking beside the fence, one pointing.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph shows Plumridge store and J.A. Tupper Livery & Feed Stable in background.
Klenk, Carl William
Transcontinental Train at Mission Jct. B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Transcontinental Train at Mission Jct. B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Transcontinental Train at Mission Jct. B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of railway cars jammed on the nearby tracks.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of same set at SS725-017, showing rail cars lifted off their axles.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William