Pier of Mission Bridge - water is 10" below high
Floods 1894 Mission City B.C.
Floods 1894 Mission City B.C.
Looking East from Hatzic
A Cedar Tree Stump, Mission City, B.C.
Cedar Valley Mission City, B.C.
Ice Storm on Grand Street
Ice Storm hits Plumridge Store and Post Office
Doris Ogle fonds
Doris Ogle fonds
Eveyln Kowal fonds
Eveyln Kowal fonds
Swans Point Hatzic BC.
A herd of Jersey milk cows from the Dewdney area are herded towards Mission through water at Hatzic.
Construction boat. Looking East from Mission- Matsqui Bridge
Looking East from Hatzic toward Dewdney
Raising Span of Mission-Matsqui Bridge
A berry field on Mission City Flats
Louise Fowler fonds
Louise Fowler fonds
Water marker at Mission City Bridge
Mac's Cabins with Auction barn in the background (the flats), Mission, BC
Looking towards Matsqui - From Mission- Matsqui Bridge
Floodwaters on Mission Flats or Matsqui
View of Hatzic Island and Hatzic Prairie
View of Hatzic Island and Hatzic Prairie
View looking South from Westminster Abbey, Hatzic, BC
Looking South from Westminster Abbey
Raising span of Mission-Matsqui Bridge
Low water mark April 17th, 1948 - Mission City Bridge
Horne Ave. 1st day water broke through - May 27th 1948 Mission City
Horne Ave. Mission City - June 3rd 1948
A view on Mission City Flats June 3rd 1948
High water mark June 6th, 1948 Mission City Bridge