Harold Brosseau fonds
Harold Brosseau fonds
Break in highway at Dewdney Pumps July 13th, 1948
Repairing highway - Dewdney Pumps July 13th, 1948
Repairs to C.P.R. line at Dewdney July 13th, 1948
Mr. Irwin's farm, Dewdney B.C. July 13th, 1948
The "baby flat top" and the "Silverdale" tow boat. Used to ferry essential vehicles across the 150 yard gap in the highway to Dewdney.
Dewdney Pumps May 29th 1948
Mr. Irwin's farm, Dewdney. After Dewdney Pumps went out June 3rd, 1948
Dewdney Crossing June 3rd, 1948
Dewdney Crossing May 27th, 1948
Looking SE from Westminster Abbey toward Dewdney
Near the Dewdney Crossing. Dewdney Memorial Hall and the Dewdney Garage in background
The break at the Dewdney Pumps
Half a mile west of Dewdney Pumps. Crews of sandbaggers rush to fill a weak spot beneath the double track CPR bed.
Looking East from Hatzic toward Dewdney
Mr. Irwin's Farm May 28th 1948 Dewdney
Flooded farm in front of Dewdney Mountain
The break at Dewdney Pumps June 3rd 1948
Dewdney B.C.
Dewdney. B.C.
Greetings from Dewdney, B.C.
Dewdney Memorial Hall
McIntyre General Store
Near Dewdney
Dewdney Slough
Unknown ranch near Dewdney
Cunningham's Ranch Dewdney B.C. Flood 1894