- MCA-0116-S01-SS725-002
- Item
- [ca. 1909]
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of railway passing through a rural area. A man sits on the edge of the platform at the Hatzic Depot, which is otherwise empty.
Klenk, Carl William
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Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of railway passing through a rural area. A man sits on the edge of the platform at the Hatzic Depot, which is otherwise empty.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of a tree-covered farmland, with a dirt road splitting the frame. A single vehicle travels on it.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of buildings on the banks of the Fraser River.
Klenk, Carl William
Holiday Greetings / Mission, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph with bottom half of card taken up by holiday wishes message and Christmas tree symbol.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the road leading up to the Fletcher Holly Farm.
Klenk, Carl William
Ice Storm hits Plumridge Store and Post Office
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph shows Plumridge Store and nearby telephone and power lines weighed down by ice. A figure stands in the centre of the frame, at the edge of the street.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of a frozen street, with roofs, telephone and power lines, and fences covered in ice. A dog stands in the centre of the frame, on a boardwalk.
Klenk, Carl William
Indian Mission Schools (O.M.I.), Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of three O.M.I buildings with cemetery in foreground.
Klenk, Carl William
Indian Mission Schools (O.M.I.), Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of three O.M.I buildings with cemetery in foreground.
Klenk, Carl William
Indigenous Village - at Harrison River
Part of Fraser Valley Record fonds
Mission City Record
Jas. Plumridge: Baker & General Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries Boots & Shoes Hardware
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Item is a photograph of Plumridge's store with children on porch and two carriages in front. Ajoining post office is also part of building.
Klenk, Carl William
Jr.-Sr. High School Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Junior-Senior High School, Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Kelliher Lumber Mill, Deroche BC
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of the mill with forest and mountains in the background and the river in the foreground. Exhaust from the mill stacks is being blown across the property over several seconds of exposure time.
Klenk, Carl William
Loading lumber on scows, Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of men loading lumber onto the scows on the Fraser River.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of Art Plumridge sitting on a plow next to a group of boys on the street. George Abbott's house and a vicarage are in the background.
Klenk, Carl William
Main St Looking East / Mission City B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph taken on Washington Street. Storefronts include Alex Stevens Drug Store.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph shows children and women posing for the camera in front of Bowies Bakery.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Main Street / Mission City B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph shows the Canadian Bank of Commerce and several other businesses.
Klenk, Carl William
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph of Main Street looking downhill and east.
Klenk, Carl William
Main Street Mission City, 1946.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph depicts cars along sidewalks and storefronts such as Mc & Mc Hardware Co. and Valley Lumber Yards Limited.
Klenk, Carl William
Main Street, Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph is facing east down the street, with the David Spencer and Good Eats Café storefronts predominant.
Klenk, Carl William
Main Street, Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph is facing east down the street, with the David Spencer and Good Eats Café storefronts predominant.
Klenk, Carl William
Main Street, Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Klenk, Carl William
Main Street, Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph is facing east down the street, with the David Spencer and Good Eats Café storefronts predominant.
Klenk, Carl William
Main Street, Mission City, B.C.
Part of Carl Klenk collection
Photograph is facing east down the street, with the David Spencer and Good Eats Café storefronts predominant.
Klenk, Carl William