Ruby Creek Bridge
Maria Island
Harrison River Bridge - CPR
Maria Slough
Between Deroche & Harrison River
Near Dewdney
Dewdney Slough
Seabird Bluff
Indigenous Village - at Harrison River
Floods 1894 Chilliwack B.C.
Unknown ranch near Dewdney
Cunningham's Ranch Dewdney B.C. Flood 1894
Floods 1894 Ranch on Fraser R. B.C.
Mr. Hammersley's Ranch Agassiz B.C. Flood 1894
Nicomen Stn.
Hatzic Prairie
Looking East on Hatzic Prairie
Hatzic Prairie
Looking West on Hatzic Prairie
Looking East from Hatzic
Pier of Mission Bridge - water is 10" below high
Floods 1894 Mission City B.C.
Floods 1894 Mission City B.C.
Culvert 51-A
Raising span- South end Mission- Matsqui Bridge - June 28th, 1948
View looking South from Westminster Abbey, Hatzic, BC
House being swept away by flood waters
A berry field on Mission City Flats
Mac's Cabins with Auction barn in the background (the flats), Mission, BC
Break in highway at Dewdney Pumps July 13th, 1948