Raising span- South end Mission- Matsqui Bridge - June 28th, 1948
View looking South from Westminster Abbey, Hatzic, BC
House being swept away by flood waters
A berry field on Mission City Flats
Mac's Cabins with Auction barn in the background (the flats), Mission, BC
Break in highway at Dewdney Pumps July 13th, 1948
Repairing highway - Dewdney Pumps July 13th, 1948
Raising Span of Mission-Matsqui Bridge
Repairs to C.P.R. line at Dewdney July 13th, 1948
View of Hatzic Island and Hatzic Prairie
View of Hatzic Island and Hatzic Prairie
Mr. Irwin's farm, Dewdney B.C. July 13th, 1948
Raising span of Mission-Matsqui Bridge
The "baby flat top" and the "Silverdale" tow boat. Used to ferry essential vehicles across the 150 yard gap in the highway to Dewdney.
Raising span-Mission-Matsqui Bridge-June 28th 1948
Store and Post Office - Matsqui June 13th, 1948
Bran sticks on street behind Cannery Mission City, June 20th, 1948
The "Duck" at Matsqui - June 6th, 1948
Tremblay Dam June 27th, 1948
White & Levitt Homes - Matsqui June 13th, 1948
Dewdney Pumps May 29th 1948
Mr. Irwin's farm, Dewdney. After Dewdney Pumps went out June 3rd, 1948
Looking towards Matsqui - From Mission- Matsqui Br. June 7th, 1948
Dewdney Crossing June 3rd, 1948
Washed out road
Dewdney Crossing May 27th, 1948
A view on Mission City Flats June 3rd 1948
Low water mark April 17th, 1948 - Mission City Bridge
Naval personnel using radio equipment
South end of Hatzic Prairie after Dewdney Pumps went out. June 3rd 1948
The rescue of the Charnley Family May 27th 1948